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Our Model United Nations program provides children with the valuable experience needed to surpass the competition at Model UN conferences. As an independent chapter, we provide training prior to the conferences we attend. Our seasoned volunteers from Maggie Walker's Model UN club will provide valuable insight for middle and high school students of all experience levels for an entire school year.



middle school

In our middle school Model UN program, our curriculum will focus on the basics of the format and prepare students for competition at conferences. Students of all experience levels are welcome. Sessions are 2 hours long every Saturday (subject to change).

middle school conferences

We will visit various middle school level conferences throughout Virginia during the year such as:




Delegate Information

If you are currently enrolled as a Delegate in SPEAK Model United Nations (M.U.N.) then this is the place for you! Find all of your important documentation and information below. Make sure to check out everything below on a regular basis to stay informed on what you are doing.

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